Fiona McLagan has successfully completed the latest training offered through ABMNM® International in California, offered online in May 2020. This ground breaking new course for Practitioners, labelled ABMNM®-TYH (Through Your Hands) is an Online Coaching initiative offered by ABMNM® Practitioners (via Zoom) to either

1) Caregivers with Children (or dependent, supported adults); or

2) Independent Adults.  Please see one mother’s testimonial below (daughter, 4 years old, T21/DS diagnosis):

" The coaching I received during our three sessions of TYH has led to some major breakthroughs for both my daughter and I. Fiona helped me to see the ways that I was co-creating my daughter's more challenging behavior and gave me the tools to create something new, and it's working beautifully!  Fiona also helped me see that I had gotten stuck in viewing my daughter more as her limitations than as her potential. Not only was this creating suffering for me but it was holding her back. Suddenly I see her as much more fluid and capable, and suddenly she's proving herself to be more capable than ever. 

I'm incredibly grateful for these insights, ones I never would have gotten by watching my daughter in her lessons. (My daughter) has just been a little angel the last few days. She really caught on quickly to the new response to her whining and crying and it hasn't been happening! Also she's doing great at going to the potty and (mostly) following new routines around that without a fuss! Thanks so much for all the support. it's been a real game changer. “


More information on ABMNM® - TYH (adapted from the ABMNM® Centre in San Rafael, CA):


The TYH coaching sessions are designed to help you learn how to employ the 9 Essentials and the other principles of ABMNM in your interactions with the child or adult in your care using the Zoom format. 


  • ABMNM-TYH Mini Intensives are comprised of three to four sessions within a span of one to two weeks. ** Please note that the ABMNM-TYH coaching sessions does not provide training in Functional Synthesis (FS) lessons, i.e., what you or your child receive during a private hands-on lesson provided by a trained and certified ABMNM practitioner. Nor are they a replacement for lessons done by a trained ABMNM practitioner. HOWEVER 😊

  • Caregivers and Independent Adults taking these series will be empowered to understand, integrate and embody more deeply as how to apply the 9 Essentials at home and in their day-to-day lives, to move from “fixing to connecting” as they experience their own wellness journey;

  • Significant transformations occur both in the Caregiver (or Independent Adult) and the person they are caring for which make things much easier, much faster, as applied in the home;

  • Within each of the sessions intensive, we require that the same caregiver or independent adult be the recipient of all coaching sessions, be it the parent, grandparent, or another caregiver.

  • You may have another caregiver/person present to help point the camera/computer, but that person should be as neutral as possible. 

  • Independent Adults - You may request a session for yourself without having an additional person or caregiver with you.

  • Sessions are scheduled Monday through Sunday based on practitioner availability.

  • ABMNM-TYH coaching sessions are 35-45 minutes long.


  • **Funding/Cost: For those families able to access funding, these sessions are permitted and are covered as a regular Prodigy Movement session, both by the AFU (Ministry Autism Funding Unit, under Behavioural Intervention) as well as DL’s (Distributed Learning); For those families/individuals who do not have access to funding and have been impacted by loss of income due to COVID-19 and who are not able to access funding, these sessions can be offered on a donation or pro bono – no one will be turned away for lack of funds;